Focusing on providing optimal product solutions with flexibility in every aspect
Safe Parts And Fittings
Kcolefas offers a complete selection of versatile fittings, accessories and safe parts for almost every safe and vault application such as gun safes, fire-resistant and burglary-resistant safes, vault doors and strongrooms. Our safe parts offering now includes safe handles, keyhole cover escutcheons and boltworks.
Safe Handle
Our heavy-duty 3 spoke safe handle and 5 spoke safe handle are the ideal gun safe handle for premium gun safes. They are also suitable for high-security large safes and vault doors. The 30900 series safe handle is the most used safe handle in the industry, which is widely used in ATMs, small to medium safes, file cabinets with flexible compatibility.
Boltwork is the core mechanism that connects safe locks, safe handles and safe bolts together.
Kcolefas offers 3 way and 4 way boltworks for either one lock or two locks operation with or without relocker. The 30980.2 series is the two lock operation boltwork that requires both locks to unlock at the same time, which is ideal for dual lock operation safes. The 30982 and 30983 series redundant boltworks are one lock operation boltwork with an emergency key lock to override in case of the failure of the main electronic lock.
Keyhole Cover Escutcheon
Smooth and good-looking verticle or horizontal escutcheon plate to cover lever key lock and wheel combination key lock holes. Their nice finishing may fit any of your safe designs.