What Is CNPP

The Kcolefas Team

Updated: August 5, 2023

What Is CNPP

CNPP, short for Centre National de Prévention et de Protection (National Center for Prevention and Protection), is a leading certification body in the safe industry based in France. They specialize in evaluating and certifying security and fire protection products, systems, and services. CNPP’s certifications are globally recognized and provide assurance to consumers, businesses, and regulatory bodies that the certified products and systems meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and performance.

CNPP’s certifications and services play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of individuals, property, and the environment. By certifying products and systems that meet the highest standards, CNPP enables individuals and businesses to make informed decisions when choosing security solutions. This ultimately contributes to the prevention of risks and the protection of valuable assets.

CNPP Products and Services

CNPP offers a wide range of products and services in risk prevention and management. They focus on areas such as fire and explosion safety, security and malicious acts, cybersecurity, environmental issues, and occupational risks. The certification process conducted by CNPP involves rigorous testing, assessment, and evaluation. Factors such as resistance to burglary, fire resistance, resistance to explosives, and electronic security features are thoroughly assessed. CNPP’s certifications are highly regarded in the safe industry due to their credibility and impartiality. CNPP also offers a range of supplementary services, which include consultancy, technical assistance, experimental research, training, conformity assessment and testing, certification, and publications and press services.

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